Monday, August 31, 2009

Aug 30th, 2009

I'm so ready to cook!

Today we made 4 menues:-

1. Prawn&Pork Toasted

2. Kao-Tung-Nar-Tang

3. Prawn Spring Rolls

4. Golden Bag

Monday, August 24, 2009

Aug 9th, 2009

Very nice eh?....but it wasn't mine :P

This is mine...guess what is it? I'll tell you it's a butterfly ;) Pls. don't remind me how suck I am!

Aug 16th, 2009

How to turn a potato into flowers?

Oh! By the way, this one wasn't mine.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Aug 23rd, 2009

This is my "Master Piece" and today is my last carving class.

How could I make it?

Step 1: Draw the line (basket)
Step 2: Cut

Step 3: Scoop-out the melon and put into the bowl
Step 4: Divide 8 verticle line for each side (total 16 line) long 3 cm
Step 5: Make 16 lotus leafs cut in side (Make it slim) and divide to 2 layers

Step 6: Make 16 mini-lotus leafs

Step 7: Flowers

Step 8: Leafs

Step 9: Put them together

Step 10: Finale

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Aug 2nd, 2009


"Non-cooks think it's silly to invest two hours' work in two minutes' enjoyment; but if cooking is evanescent, so is the ballet"

First time carving. Today I learn how to carve tomato to roses and cucumber to leafs. I suck actually but still feel so good that today I spend whole day practicing not lecturing.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Jul 26th, 2009


"Follow Your Heart, It's not too late to pursue your dream!"

The second cooking class we all got our own chef coat with our name on it! Aha! Nice! It's funny coz I studying at Dusit Thani and my name is Dusita...very semilar, eh? Is it a sign? Maybe I'm gonna be good on this...who knows?

Nothing excitement for this week only new uniform that we got. Also, this week still! Lecture! Boring! But i won't change my mind. I just too excited to do it! I want to start cooking right away!

Lecture! Lecture! Lecture! So bored :(
I wanna cook....pleaseeee..eeee

Jul 25th, 2009


"Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all."

Preparing Lunch Buffet...Doing the set up thing...and this is what I made...

Jul 19th, 2009


"Remember that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance take it, if it changes your life, then let it. No one said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it!"

Aha! First day school at Dusit Thani Culinary school! See? I have my very own cooking section hahaha... They provided all the materials each set for each student...very professional eh? I was so excited!

Then...shoot! I cut myself since the beginning. Maybe to excited about all chef equipment and that one is "Chef knife" it is Victorinox Brand, mate! come on! Who's not gonna be excited! However, the wound is not deep so it easily to heal (way far from my heart).

On first day, there's nothing much. Mostly all lectures make me sleepy but quite useful for the future if I want to have my own restaurant.

It's quite tough for me though coz from now on I'm not gonna have a day more! Every Sat & Sun will be my internship program and cooking class. I have no life...but I do have my future waiting for me. (Cannot keep my smile when I think about my future as a professional chef. Maybe I watch Iron Chef and Hell's Kitchen too much...I'm sooo IN ieieie)

Jul 11th, 2009


"Everybody dies, Not everybody lives, Live Life!"

Second time for internship, this time is better coz I got new shoes "Crocs" which is more comfortable and not slip a bit. (worth every penny!) It helps me move twice faster than last week. Anyway, it doesn't help me be a better cook (I still suck). I'm incharge in Thai Buffet section while my GF incharge Thai a la carte' section. We work seperately from each other. However, in the afternoon I move to help her at her section coz it seems to be busier than mine.

This week we had a chance to stand at buffet counter. I was incharged at Thai Salad booth. I have to make Thai salad and Somtum which already prepared the whole ingredients. My job is put them in the bowl and mixed with the right proportion (Very Easy!) :P

Forgot to tell, this week we decided to change the working period from 2 - 10 pm to 8 am - 6 pm. I feel so much better. It still tired but much less than last week. However, after work we still went to foot massage anyway. Gosh! and I love every minute of it...can't wait till next week!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jul 4th, 2009


"Life is too short to wake up in the mornings with regrets!"

My first day for internship program @Radisson Hotel Bangkok. Also the first time wearing chef coat...How cool is this? I can't imagine after 8 years spending all my time stydying Bachelor & Master Degree in Marketing & Advertising, finally turned out that "I want to be a professional chef".

Btw, that day make me realized that "It is not easy to be a chef". I was so tired, my legs and my back were killing me. I work straight since 2 pm to 10 pm. I cannot sit at all!!! but this bump doesn't scared me a bit. In contrary, the more I get involve with this job the more I really want to be a real chef oneday.